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What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Jan 13

11 min read




Why Should I Care What Happens to My Social Media Account? I'll Be Dead.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Over the last ten years, I've consistently shared snapshots of my family's life and special moments on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok. The highlight of this journey has been revisiting these shared memories, especially through Facebook Memories. This feature has become the main reason I continue to engage with Facebook and Instagram. These digital memories are more than just posts; they're cherished intangible assets that bring my family together, sparking laughter and tears as we reflect on them. However, a pressing concern looms the future of my social media accounts, including Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok, after I'm gone. My digital legacy extends beyond social media, encompassing countless hours dedicated to writing books, articles, and notes stored on Google Drive, as well as various videos and projects on YouTube. The question of what happens to all these digital assets and accounts in the event of my passing is one that I, and many others, grapple with.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

A few weeks ago, I experienced a profound realization about the enduring value of digital memories on my social media accounts. This insight emerged as I reflected on my relationships with two pivotal figures in my life, Brian Oldryod and Kree Anderson. Brian, a dear friend from high school, remained in touch through Facebook and Instagram. We frequently exchanged memes, weaving a rich tapestry of shared laughter and camaraderie. Tragically, Brian succumbed to cancer last year. I visited his page and scrolled through his posts. After scrolling through his posts, I went through our Instagram DMs enjoying his unique sense of humor. It almost felt like he was still there speaking to me. 

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Kree Anderson, who was my missionary companion in Ituy on Luzon island and a guiding advisor during that significant period, passed away in 2022. Our shared experiences in Ituy were so impactful that I dedicated a book to our adventures in that location. Prompted by my thoughts of Brian, I attempted to revisit Kree's Facebook page, only to discover it had been deactivated after his passing. To compound the loss, a phone update erased our text message history, leaving me without any digital remnants of our conversations.

These men were not just friends; they were my heroes, imparting life lessons during my formative years that I have carried throughout my life. Kree instilled in me the essence of courage, while Brian exemplified a kindness so profound, that it seemed to embody what many would describe as Christ-like love. As an estate planning attorney, I recognize that their social media accounts represent invaluable assets, preserving memories and connections that are simply irreplaceable.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Addressing the initial question of "Why should I care, I'll be dead," it's important to consider the impact on those you leave behind. The question is so important, that I wrote a book about it. The significance of caring becomes evident when we realize how deeply our loved ones miss us after we're gone. Personally, the loss of my friends has been profound, and the permanent loss of memories from one of them has been deeply saddening.

To ensure your social media accounts, and the precious memories they hold, are accessible to your loved ones after your passing, it's crucial to take proactive steps now. One effective approach is to compile a list of all your social media usernames and passwords and securely provide this information to your executor or a trusted family member. This allows them to access your accounts, preserving the digital legacy you've created and ensuring that your memories continue to be a source of comfort and connection for those you care about.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

The answer to this question varies based on the specific terms and conditions set by each social media platform. Take Facebook, for instance: their policy states:

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Let me go through each platform individually. 

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Facebook's Legacy Contact and Memorialization Process

Facebook provides a feature called a Legacy Contact, which functions similarly to designating a beneficiary. To set up a Legacy Contact and initiate the Memorialization process for your account, follow these steps:

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Visit Facebook's Account Center:

  1. Click on 'Personal details'.

  2. Select 'Account Ownership and Control'.

  3. Navigate to the 'Memorialization' section.

Understanding Memorialized Accounts on Facebook:

A memorialized account on Facebook serves as a digital space where friends and family can come together to reminisce and share memories of a deceased individual. Key aspects of a memorialized account include:

  • The word "Remembering" is displayed next to the person’s name on their profile.

  • Friends, depending on the account's privacy settings, can post memories on the timeline.

  • Existing content shared by the individual (like photos and posts) remains visible to the audience it was initially shared with.

  • Memorialized profiles are not shown in public areas such as 'People You May Know', ads, or birthday reminders.

  • Logging into a memorialized account is not possible.

  • Accounts without a legacy contact cannot be altered.

  • Facebook will remove pages managed solely by the deceased user upon receiving a valid request.

How a Legacy Contact Can Manage a Memorialized Account:

Generally, once an account is memorialized, its content cannot be modified. However, if the deceased appointed a legacy contact, this individual can:

  • Update the profile picture and cover photo.

  • Create a pinned post on the deceased's timeline.

  • Accept new friend requests on behalf of the deceased.

Gaining Access to a Memorialized Account without Being a Legacy Contact

In cases where you are not designated as the Legacy Contact, access to a memorialized account can only be granted if you are officially appointed as the Executor or Administrator of the deceased person's estate.

Becoming an executor or administrator of an estate is a legal process that typically occurs as part of handling a deceased person's affairs. The process varies depending on whether the deceased left a will and the laws of the state in which the estate is being settled. Here’s a general overview:

1. With a Will (Executor):

  • Appointment by the Will: The deceased person, known as the decedent, usually names an executor in their will. This is their chosen individual to manage the estate.

  • Probate Court Approval: Even if named in the will, the executor must be formally appointed by a probate court to act on behalf of the estate.

  • Grant of Letters Testamentary: Once approved, the court issues a document known as "Letters Testamentary" which gives the executor authority to act on behalf of the estate.

2. Without a Will (Administrator):

  • Determination of Administrator: If there is no will, the probate court appoints an administrator. This is often a close relative of the deceased, but the specific rules vary by state.

  • Probate Court Petition: Interested parties must petition the probate court to be appointed as the administrator of the estate.

  • Grant of Letters of Administration: Similar to the executor process, once the court approves an administrator, it issues "Letters of Administration" which authorizes them to manage the estate.

3. Duties and Responsibilities:

  • Estate Management: The executor or administrator has several responsibilities, including identifying and securing estate assets, paying debts and taxes, and distributing the remaining assets to the beneficiaries (according to the will or state law).

  • Legal Compliance: Executors and administrators must comply with various legal requirements and deadlines, which can vary significantly depending on the state.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Instagram's Approach to Accounts After a User Passes Away

Unlike Facebook, Instagram does not offer a legacy contact program. Instead, they provide two options for handling accounts posthumously: memorialization and deletion.

Memorialization of Accounts:

  • Memorialized accounts serve as a space to honor and remember the life of someone who has passed away.

  • Key Features of Memorialized Instagram Accounts:

  • No one can log into a memorialized account.

  • The profile displays the word "Remembering" next to the person’s name.

  • All posts, including photos and videos shared by the deceased, remain on Instagram, visible to the original audience.

  • Memorialized accounts are excluded from public areas on Instagram, such as the Explore page.

  • No changes can be made to any existing content or account information. This includes the person’s photos, videos, comments, profile privacy settings, current profile picture, followers, and following list.

  • If you find a post or comment on a memorialized account that violates Instagram’s Community Guidelines or Terms of Use, you can report it using the report feature next to the post or comment.

For more information or to request memorialization, visit Instagram’s Help Center.

Deleting the Account:

  • Before proceeding with account deletion, it’s advisable to download a copy of your information, such as photos and posts, from Instagram. This is important because access to Instagram’s Data Download tool is not available after account deletion.

Reflecting on the contrasting experiences with Brian and Kree's accounts, the implications of account deletion become evident, highlighting the importance of considering these options carefully.

The Potential Risks and Limitations of Social Media Account Memorialization

1. Probate and Legacy Contact Limitations: In instances where no Legacy Contact is named for a Facebook account, it becomes necessary to probate the estate of the deceased and be appointed as an executor. It’s crucial to note that heirs do not automatically inherit social media accounts as per Facebook's policies. This presents a complication, especially in simpler probate cases such as small estate affidavits or muniments of title (as used in Texas), where the social media account might not be considered.

2. Restricted Access to Business Accounts: Once a social media account is memorialized, access to it is lost. This poses a significant challenge if the deceased individual manages business operations through platforms like Facebook. Access to advertising accounts or business pages becomes restricted, potentially impacting the continuity of business operations.

3. Revenue Loss Concerns: Programs like the Instagram Creator Incentive Program require active login to request payment for content produced on META’s platform. Memorializing an account effectively ends access, precluding the ability to request payments or modify account information. This can lead to a direct loss of revenue for accounts generating income through such programs.

4. Impact on Business Marketing and Operations: For businesses that rely on Facebook or Instagram for marketing and customer engagement, the memorialization of an account can significantly hamper their marketing efforts. The inability to post new content or interact with customers can have a detrimental effect on the business's online presence and growth.

5. Legal and Practical Challenges: Navigating the memorialization process also presents legal and practical challenges. Families and business associates must understand the intricacies of social media policies and probate law to effectively manage the digital legacy of the deceased. This often requires legal advice and careful planning to ensure that the digital assets are appropriately handled.

In light of these considerations, individuals and businesses must plan for how their social media accounts should be managed posthumously, including designating a Legacy Contact where possible and incorporating digital assets into estate planning strategies.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

X (Twitter's) Policy for Deceased User Accounts

In cases where an X (Twitter) user has passed away, X (Twitter) provides a process to work with either a person authorized to act on behalf of the deceased's estate or a verified immediate family member to deactivate the account. Unlike some other social media platforms, X (Twitter) does not seem to require the probate of an estate to initiate this process.

To request the removal of a deceased user's account, you can submit a request to X (Twitter). Following your submission, X (Twitter) will send an email detailing the next steps. These steps include providing information about the deceased, a copy of your identification, and a copy of the deceased’s death certificate. This procedure is crucial to prevent fraudulent or unauthorized requests. Rest assured, the information you provide is kept confidential and is solely used to verify and process your request.

However, it's important to note that Twitter does not offer access to the account itself to family members or estate administrators. If you are seeking to access the deceased’s Twitter account, you would need to have the individual's login credentials. Twitter's policy in this regard emphasizes privacy and security, ensuring that account access remains strictly controlled even after a user’s passing.

This policy underscores the importance of planning for digital legacies, where sharing access information with trusted individuals or including it in estate planning may be necessary for those wishing to preserve or manage digital content posthumously.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

LinkedIn's Procedure for Handling Accounts of Deceased Members

If you need to report the passing of a LinkedIn member, you can contact LinkedIn Support with specific details about the deceased member. This includes their personal information, the date of their death, and a link to their obituary. To proceed with closing the deceased member's LinkedIn account, you must demonstrate legal authority. This is typically done by providing official documents such as court-issued Letters Testamentary, Letters of Administration, or Letters of Representation.

Additionally, LinkedIn offers the option to memorialize the account of a deceased member. Memorializing a profile allows the account to remain on LinkedIn as a tribute to the deceased member, preserving their professional legacy and enabling colleagues and connections to view and remember their career and contributions.

When considering the memorialization or closure of a LinkedIn account, it's important to reflect on the professional and networking significance of the platform. For many, LinkedIn profiles serve as a lasting representation of their professional journey and achievements. As such, deciding whether to memorialize or close the account should be made with consideration of how the deceased member might have wanted their professional legacy to be handled.

Furthermore, individuals must think about their digital footprint and how they would like their online presence to be managed after their passing. Communicating these wishes to family members or legal representatives can ensure that their digital legacy is handled by their preferences.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Managing a Deceased User's Google Account

Google accounts often serve as the backbone for various social media platforms, like YouTube, and as a storage hub for personal data such as photos and documents. Google's Inactive Account Manager feature allows you to designate someone who can access your account if it becomes inactive for a specified period. This period is determined by you and can be set up in advance as part of planning your digital legacy.

If you were not appointed as the Inactive Account Manager for a deceased user's Google account, there is still a process available to manage or inquire about their account. You can submit a request to Google regarding the account of the deceased user. This request will typically require you to provide certain information and documents to verify your relationship with the deceased and the legitimacy of your request.

In situations where the deceased did not set up an Inactive Account Manager, Google’s policy involves a careful review process to protect the privacy and security of the account holder. The company evaluates such requests on a case-by-case basis, considering various factors including legal requirements.

Individuals need to be aware of these options and take proactive steps to manage their digital legacy. By setting up features like the Inactive Account Manager, you can ensure that your digital assets are handled according to your wishes, and alleviate potential challenges for loved ones in managing your digital presence after your passing. Additionally, understanding Google's process for handling accounts of deceased users is crucial for family members or executors who may need to access or manage these accounts posthumously.

What Happens to My Social Media Accounts After I Pass Away?

Handling a TikTok Account After a User's Death

TikTok's Approach to User Death:

1. No Memorialization or Deletion Requests: Unlike Facebook and Instagram, TikTok does not offer options for memorializing an account or allowing family members to request account deletion. The only way to delete an account is through a request by the account creator or someone with the access credentials.

2. No Memorial Feature: TikTok doesn't add a memorial mark or equivalent next to the username after a user’s death, making it impossible to transform the account into a memorial. The only way to notify the community of the account creator’s passing is by posting a message on the account or updating the bio.

3. Automatic Username Change Due to Inactivity: TikTok monitors inactive accounts. If an account shows no activity for more than 180 days, TikTok may alter the username into a sequence of random numbers, effectively removing your ownership of the account name. However, the content previously published remains visible on the platform.

TikTok Creativity Program and Posthumous Account Management

Managing a revenue-generating TikTok account after the original creator's passing presents unique challenges, especially since TikTok does not offer account memorialization or deactivation services. If you have access to the deceased's TikTok account, you can modify payment settings and direct where the generated revenue should be disbursed.

However, if you do not have direct access to the account, it becomes crucial to explore alternative methods to gain control of it. This might involve legal processes or other strategies to access the account and manage its financial aspects. For guidance on potential methods to access a deceased user's TikTok account, consider consulting relevant online resources or legal advice tailored to these specific circumstances. It’s important to approach this sensitively and legally, especially when dealing with accounts that have financial implications. Click here for ideas on how to access the account.

Planning for Your TikTok Account:

For Casual Users: If TikTok is used for personal enjoyment, leaving the account as is after death may not have significant consequences, though it could be a source of regret for relatives who wish to revisit your digital legacy.

For Business Accounts: For those utilizing TikTok for business, leaving an inactive account poses risks. An unattended account can be a target for identity theft and fraudulent activities. In addition, your heirs could lose out on a significant asset after you pass away.


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