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Arkansas' Requirements to Create a Valid Will

Sep 14, 2023

1 min read




1. **Age and Capacity**: The testator (person making the will) must be at least 18 years old and of sound mind.

2. **Writing**: The will must be in writing. This can be handwritten, typed, or printed.

3. **Witnesses**: The will must be signed by at least two competent witnesses. These witnesses must see the testator sign the will or acknowledge the signature, and then they must sign the will themselves in the presence of the testator.

4. **Signature**: The testator must sign the will at the end. If the testator is unable to sign, someone else can sign on the testator's behalf, but this must be done in the testator's presence and at their direction.

5. **Holographic Wills**: Arkansas recognizes holographic wills, which are wills that are entirely written, dated, and signed in the testator's handwriting. These wills do not need to be witnessed if the material provisions and the signature are in the testator's handwriting.

6. **Self-Proving Affidavit**: While not required, Arkansas allows for a will to be "self-proved." This means that a notarized statement signed by the testator and the witnesses can

It's crucial to consult with an attorney familiar with Arkansas' estate planning laws when creating a will. This ensures that your wishes are accurately and legally documented and that your assets are distributed according to your intentions. Laws and regulations can change, so always check for the most up-to-date information or consult with a legal professional.


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